There are 2 Secret Society tracks included on the recent CD by 'Artificial Memory Trace presents Interpretations 1’. The SS track ‘King’ is also ‘incorporated into the sound organism’ that is the ‘Paraexpanzin’ CD by Artificial Memory Trace. Both are on the Psyclone label run by Slavek Kwi. Some text about this below.
Way back in 2003 I did a sonic interpretation of a drawing by the sound artist Slavek Kwi for a compilation that he hoped to put out sometime in the future. At the time I was making music using the same set up I would use for the 'Am Makin' Discoveries' album, which was fairly primitive compared to what I use today. I had to record everything direct to mini disc for instance and because of this I only had one copy of Slavek's track which went to him and I soon forgot what it was even like. Two years later he got in touch to say the project was finally nearing completion and I asked whether he would like me to do an additional but updated interpretation. So it was that my 2005 version 'King' would join the original 'Strokes'. Slavek also asked for some text to go in the artwork, due to space it wasn't used but here's what I wrote.
“My first interpretation I remember being very literal, I thought I could see exploding or distorted drums and thought, ‘I’ll make that sound’. This time round I recognised something preliminary in the drawing and imagined a collection of instruments being set up and tuned. Their random sounds coalescing into an expectant hum.”