If we really want to develop a higher consciousness or regain our powers of intuition etc then we must leave civilisation, go somewhere to live a life that necessitates our development of these things and our continued use of them. Lets face it, how many people really want to do that? The alternative is to try to do it where we find ourselves, in a society that does not encourage or have much use for those things, where they cannot be practiced with everyday activities. There is every reason why we lost these abilities, now we want our cake and to eat it. That is the paradox, that is why it is difficult, that is why we do nothing but hark back to this state of supposed grace, rarely achieving anything of substance or permanence.
You might be surprised by this out burst but I feel its worth pointing out. The odds are stacked mightily against us achieving much. Of course the little we do is worth it. Suicide alone is reason enough to develop a more healthy, philosophical outlook on life at the very least. If the path of the artist is yours then you have a practical use to put your insights to. Outside that there is always the hope to end boredom, the eternal curse and blessing of man.
Just know it is difficult, as much to sustain it as attain it.