In the past few months I have got to a point with this blog where I have nothing new to say. I could continue just for the sake of it and repeat over and over the same basic points in endless variation and to some degree that is what I have already been doing for some time, but to write too much about what is actually very simple would be counter productive.
My second last variation on the theme was the example of walking and feeling at one with the world and then suddenly finding yourself in the position of retracing those previous steps with one specific objective in mind. This on its own sums up so much of what I wanted to say in the beginning that to add more would be to lessen its impact. The loss of a possession provided the blinkers in this case but we walk with blinkers on almost all of the time. It is only when we take them off do we see the world from what it is and start to see our place in it and start to feel what it is to be alive.
I will continue posting quotes I come across and maybe even the odd example of old. If I do have some sort of break-through in thought I will be sure to post that but I feel this is that break-through. I will continue to put my idea’s into practice in my own life and will post my latest exploits in the art world etc here.
Below are the basic points that I have defined since the blog started, they are all expanded on at great length in the Truth and Infinity archives.
This last insight is worth giving though. I have got caught up in my Secret Society persona and the image that projects to others, to the extent that I have never divulged just what Truth and Infinity means, as if it’s the big secret that would unlock all. Well, that phrase has had a changing meaning, right now I like to think of it as meaning that every step along the path of Truth leads towards Infinity. I will not explain what I believe is the point of Infinity or when we will experience it. There are some secrets you must discover for yourself for it to be truly appreciated and in this case you really must find it out for yourself to reach what I call Infinity.
There are only a few Truths you need to remember to live what I would call a full life. The first is the only one I feel that it is necessary to expand upon again.
I was still fascinated with magic when I started this blog, I knew instinctively that if I could understand it I would be able to unlock some important fact about life. In time it led to a real break-through. I saw that all magic ritual is about is getting to a state of mind where you believe you can do something you desire. Once able to remain in this state of mind your subconscious absolutely throws opportunity in your path. You must be willing to embrace these as well as creating your own and to put the effort in on the physical plain, but you have guaranteed success if you stick with it. The nature of the success might be very different to what you initially desired, but it will still be success, like finding out you never really wanted something once you attain it, better that than a lifetime of unfulfilled desire. You get to a point where you find what it is you really want. Successful people use this method everyday and would never think of it as magic, so there is no need to get bogged down in ritual. I am telling you how magic works, it all comes from your desire. You desire something, you work at it, in time you find are good at it or you are bad at it, it works out or it doesn’t. Your desire will change with this knowledge. Know your desire and follow its changes. Magic is simply belief in your desire.
Be grateful but not to the point of complacency.
Never stop learning. Spend as much time considering your opposing view, know why you oppose something.
Look after yourself, everyone must help themselves in matters of how they live their life. If we choose to do anything, we should solely advertise our view without imposing it. We must all hit bottom for ourselves and find our own way to the surface. We all live very different lives.
Whenever you find yourself living that life, understand how balance works. You will never lose that life no matter what tragedies outside your control befall you. You will understand and live to accept it all.
Always strive to do things for the love of it, no matter if your at the start or end of your journey. To paraphrase an early post; if you want to be a famous musician, ask yourself if its the fame you really want. If it is you’ll find easier ways towards fame than being a musician. If you just want to be a musician, no-ones stopping you.
Stephen Rennicks