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Truth and Infinity
Friday, February 15, 2008
“By the beginning of our present 'earth condition' of evolution the human being had developed a physical body , a 'life body' and a soul body. A fourth member, the 'ego', is being incorporated during this stage - the spiritual core unique to each human being. The ego or 'I' is thus the youngest and least developed human member but, to the extent that we can gain access to it, the ego is capable of enabling us to take charge of our own destiny.
With our earth stage of evolution, the spiritual substance of the previous stages has condensed into physical matter. The coincidence of matter with the development of the human ego produces a new situation in evolution. The spatial separation between human beings and their environment gives us the basis for objectivity and freely determining how much, and in what way, we interact with the world. At the same time, this condensing process has the effect of obscuring the spiritual forces that lie behind the world as we experience it with our normal senses.
Thus having created the four-membered human being, the spiritual world has now withdrawn from our field of vision. In the free space thus created, it is now open to human beings to take responsibility for their own destiny and thereby the future of cosmic evolution. This future involves the further transformation of the human being and our world.
Today we face the challenge of seeing through the apparently material nature of the physical body to its underlying spiritual form, which originated in Old Saturn and to which it will return at the end of the course of evolution."
Andrew Beard

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