"We are one nation, and one world...We cannot suppress our brothers liberty without murdering ourselves. We will stand together, as men, for human freedom and human dignity, or we will fall together, simians all, back to the swamp."
Jack Parsons
"For what end is served by all the expenditure of suns and planets and moons, of stars and Milky Ways, of comets and nebula, of worlds evolving and passing away, if at last a happy man does not involuntarily rejoice in his existence?"
Why so happy? The knowledge that everything is connected, that what we perceive as right and wrong are part of a whole. We must love and accept it all in joy.
*Secret Society's new album 'Moments' is out now.
*Also new from Secret Society is the single track release 'The New City'(17min34sec).
All releases from Ancient Records are available for 6 euro each including P&P for all EU states. All payments through PayPal.
http://groov.ie/memorycells/ancientrecordsshop.htmlThere is now a new website which covers the art & music of Stephen Rennicks/Secret Society.
http://www.freewebs.com/stephenrennicksAnother new website was launched to focus exclusively on The Wormholes and their offshoots, Ringsend Blues.
http://www.freewebs.com/ringsendbluesStephen Rennicks releases his 2nd album as Secret Society. Previously resident in Dublin he recorded the bulk of this album in his new countryside location of Co. Leitrim, Ireland. While his debut 'Am Makin' Discoveries' took space as a metaphor for mental journeying, this time he takes inspiration from his own labels Moment Series. This is where he asks other artists to interpret the phrase, To Stretch a Moment is to Live Outside Time. On each track here he works on a different loop, slowly teasing out detail and variation. The aim being to arrest time itself, however briefly, for the listener.
These are the latest additions to Downloads page.
Memory Cells
CHANNEL (2000, unreleased)
The Wormholes
UNKNOWN TO US (1994, from 'Chicks Dig Scars')
Secret Society
Selections from 'Moments' ANC009
FACE ODYSSEY (live at Lazybird 27/4/03)
Soul Galaxy
CONE (2004, unreleased)
ORPHAN (2005, unreleased)